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Wapato School District Employee Unions & Collective Bargaining Updates » Wapato School District Employee Unions

Wapato School District Employee Unions

There are four employee unions in the Wapato School District that represent the majority of the District staff.   They include:


1) The Wapato Education Association (WEA) represents teachers and other certificated staff who are contracted to work 7-hours per day for 180 days per year.  


2) The Wapato Association of Custodial, Maintenance, Transportation, Food Service and Paraeducator Employees, affiliated with the Public School Employees of Washington (PSE), represents District staff in the Custodial, Maintenance, Transportation, Food Service, and Paraeducator job classifications. 


3) The Wapato Pupil Personnel Association (WPPA) represents classified staff of the District in positions which require independent responsibility and/or specialized education or training in the Records Clerk & Testing Clerk, Pupil Personnel Specialist, Home Visitor, Migrant/Parent Liaison Advisor and Attendance Clerk job classifications.


4) The Wapato Association of Educational Office Personnel (WAEOP) represents the District’s secretarial staff except the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent’s secretaries, certificated personnel officers, and classified personnel officers.


At any given time the District may be engaged in negotiating Collective Bargaining Agreements (contracts) with one or more of the four associations and the negotiations may include limited reopening of parts of the agreement or the entire agreement.  Please refer to each of the Associations in the menu to the right for the latest information regarding bargaining.