Golden Apple Awards
Each year the Wapato School Board recognizes outstanding school district employees through its ”Golden Apple Award” program. This award is an important recognition of the extraordinary contributions District employees have made to the betterment and the advancement of the Wapato School District, its students and the Wapato Community.
The Board traditionally begins accepting nominations in February each year. When the Board opens the nominations window for the 2024-2025 school year information will be posted to the District's social media accounts and website homepage. It will also be included in District newsletters and sent to families/staff via ParentSquare.
To see recipients from past years please scroll down.
2023-2024 Golden Apple Award Recipients

2023-2024 Golden Apple Award Recipients pictured left to right: Satus Elementary 5th Grade Teacher Heather Murphy, Adams Elementary 5th Grade Teacher Bethany Hunter, Wapato High School Teacher Roger Jacob, Wapato Middle School 6th Grade Teacher McKenzie Zerr and PACE High School Secretary Krystal Quintero.
2022-2023 Golden Apple Award Recipients

2022-2023 Golden Apple Award Recipients pictured left to right: Wapato High School Special Education Para-Educator Franciso Tapia, Camas Elementary School Teacher Charlene Rennaker, Satus Elementary School Teacher Roger Tolley, PACE High School Principal Paul Zagelow and Wapato Middle School Teacher Lucio Donato.
2021-2022 Golden Apple Award Recipients

2021-2022 Golden Apple Award Recipients pictured left to right: Wapato Middle School Secretary Nancy Rivera, Wapato Middle School Teacher Michelle Howell-Burtis, Executive Director of Technology & Assessment Glenn Green, Adams Elementary School Teacher Mark Rellores and Satus Elementary School Para-Educator Nenita Garcia.
2020-2021 Golden Apple Award Recipients

2020-2021 Golden Apple Award Recipients pictured (front row L-R) Wapato Middle School Teacher Karissa Lawrence and District Attendance Clerk Maria Polina. (back row L-R) Wapato Middle School Athletic Director/Assistant Principal Tim Strother, Wapato Middle School Para-Educator Wade Moses and High School Teacher Zach Dorr.
2019-2020 Golden Apple Awards Program Canceled due to COVID.
2018-2019 Golden Apple Award Recipients

2018-2019 Golden Apple Award Recipients pictured left to right: District Community Relations/Title 1 Parent Engagement Coordinator Mike Balmelli, Retiring High School/Middle School Band Teacher Don Moore, Retiring Superintendent Becky Imler, District Print Shop Operator Jessica Torres, Adams Elementary School Head Custodian James Bobb and Kindergarten Teacher Linda Rucker.
2017-2018 Golden Apple Award Recipients

Pictured Left to Right: Bus Driver Don Groth, Middle School Custodian Mike Catron, District Speech Pathologist Gina Jacob, Retiring Administrator Dan Murray, GEAR UP Advisor Jose Gutierrez
2016-2017 Golden Apple Award Recipients

2016-2017 Golden Apple Award Recipients pictured left to right: Wapato High School Teacher Chris Beyrouty, Middle School Teacher Erin Gonzalez, Wapato High School Custodian Joe Shields, Camas Elementary School Teacher Angelina Rocha, and Elementary School Teacher Gerene Sadberry.