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graduating seniors walking in a line outside high school in the caps and gowns

Wapato Education Association (WEA)

Wapato School District (WSD) & Wapato Education Association (WEA) 2022 Full Open Contract Bargaining Summary

May 10, 2022
The Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) bargaining teams came together to continue the process of negotiating a full collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  This session included the teams exchanging proposals.  The teams also reached a tentative agreement (TA) to modify language in Article VIII, Section 12 of the CBA.  The session also provided the teams the opportunity to workshop.  The workshopping process allows for deep discussion in order for the teams to establish the best understanding of each other's approach to bargaining.  The intent is to elminate misperceptions one team may have about the other team's approach resulting in more streamlined and productive bargaining sessions.  At the end of this session the teams agreed to meet again on May 24, 2022.  
April 26, 2022
The Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) bargaining teams came together to continue the process of negotiating a full collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  This session resulted in the teams reaching tentative agreements (TAs) to modify language in number of sections of the CBA.  The articles and sections in which TAs were reached are as follows: Article I, Section 6; Article II, Section 2(a); Article II, Section 2(e); Article II, Section 3; Article III, Section 2(e); Article IV, Section 3(e); Article V, Section 9; Article VI, Section 9(a); Article VII, Section 3(i) and Article VIII, Section 3(c).  The WEA team submited a salary schedule proposal which reflected amendments from the state.  The WSD team did not submit a counter the WEA salary schedule.  The teams agreed to meet again on May 10, 2022. 
April 14, 2022
The Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) bargaining teams came together to continue the process of negotiating a full collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  This session resulted in the teams reaching tentative agreements (TAs) to modify language in several sections of the CBA.  The articles and sections in which TAs were reached are as follows: Article I, Section 1; Article I, Section 2; Article II, Section 8(c); Article III, Section 2(a); Article III, Section 4(e); Article III, Section 5; Article III, Section 6; Article IV; Article IV, Section 3(e); Article IV, Section 3(f); Article IV, Section 3(g), Article VI, Section 5, Article VII, Section 7, Article VIII, Section 3(d), Article VIII, Section 6(f), Article VIII, Section 7(b), Article VIII, Section 7(d) and Article VIII, Section 7(e). The WEA team submited and updated salary schedule proposal.  The WSD team did not submit a counter the WEA salary schedule.  The teams agreed to meet again on April 26, 2022.   
March 15, 2022
The Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) bargaining teams came together to begin the process of negotiating a full collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The CBA being negotiated will replace the current CBA which expires on August 31, 2022.  The session consisted of the teams exchanging initial proposals and then scheduling the next bargaining session for April 14, 2022.


The Wapato School District (WSD) and the Wapato Education Association (WEA) (teachers' union) are currently in year two of a 3-year collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  Language in the CBA allows either party the opportunity to present and negotiate three openers each of the first two years of the 3-year CBA. The bargaining teams for the WSD and WEA met on June 21, 2021 to continue the negotiation.   During the session the teams reached tentative agreements (TA's) in two areas of the CBA being discussed.  The TA's included Article 3, Section 9, Subsection C-(Assignment, Vacancies, Promotion, Transfer) and Article 7, Section 1, Subsection E-(Sick Leave).  The session ended with both teams mutually agreeing to withdraw any remaining open items and conclude this year's bargaining.  The current CBA is scheduled to expire August 31, 2022.  In the months prior to the expiration of the CBA the WSD team and WEA team will engage in process of bargaining a full open contract (CBA).  



The Wapato School District (WSD) and the Wapato Education Association (WEA) (teachers' union) are currently in year two of a 3-year collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  Language in the CBA allows either party the opportunity to present and negotiate three openers each of the first two years of the 3-year CBA. The bargaining teams for the WSD and WEA met on June 7th to continue the negotiation.  When the session started the WEA team invited the WSD team to lead with the exchange of the latest proposals.  The WSD obliged and provided the latest proposal it had prepared.  The WEA team countered by verbally informing the WSD that it intended to re-submit its previous proposal without any changes.  The WEA team also verbally informed the WSD team they needed to survey their membership in order to help further guide the direction of their bargaining.  The session ended with the two sides agreeing to meet on June 21st.


The Wapato School District and the Wapato Education Association (WEA) (teachers' union) are currently in year two of a 3-year collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  Language in the CBA allows either party the opportunity to present and negotiate three openers each of the first two years of the 3-year CBA. The bargaining teams for both the District and the WEA met on May 3, 2021.  The session resulted in each team submitting exchanging proposals.  

The Wapato School District and the Wapato Education Association (WEA) (teachers' union) are currently in year two of a 3-year collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  Language in the CBA allows either party the opportunity to present and negotiate three openers each of the first two years of the 3-year CBA. 
The bargaining teams for both the District and the WEA met on April 12, 2021 to begin the mid-contract negotiations.  The session resulted in each team submitting an initial proposal and a counter-proposal.  The teams are scheduled to meet again on Monday, May 3, 2021.

2-10-20 (Bargaining Teams Reach Tentative Agreement on a 3-Year Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)


The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on February 10, 2020 to continue the bargaining of a full open contract.  Despite the teams having jointly agreed in October 2019 to seek help through a mediator to continue moving the bargaining process forward, the teams agreed to conduct this session without the mediator.  During the session the teams reached tentative agreements (TA) to modify language in Article 6, Section 3, Subsection (C) which speaks to Employee Workload, Article 8, Section 2 which deals with Calendar/Work Year, Article 8, Section 3, Subsection (A) dealing with Work Opportunities, Article 8, Section 9 which speaks to Insurance and Article 10, Sections A&B which speaks to the Duration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).  The teams also exchanged a series of full contract proposals that included salary schedules.  Eventually the teams reached a tentative agreement (TA) on a new, full collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  The duration to CBA would be three years (2019-2020), (2020-2021), (2021-2022).  The tentative agreement needs to be ratified by both the WEA membership and the Wapato School Board of Directors in order to be formalized.  Thanks goes out to the members of the WSD and WEA bargaining teams for the time and effort they have contributed in reaching a tentative agreement that is fair, equitable and sustainable for all involved. 

11-18-19 (1st Mediation Session)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on November 18, 2019 through the use of a mediator from the State’s Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) to continue the bargaining of a full open contract.  This was the first mediation session as the teams work on developing a collective bargaining agreement that is fair, equitable and sustainable.  During the session the teams reached tentative agreements (TA) to modify language in Article 6, Section 1, Subsection (A) which speaks to Preparation Time, Article 6, Section 3, Subsections (E, F & I) which speaks to Employee Workload and Article 8, Section 1, Subsection (A) which deals with the Work Day.  Neither team submitted a proposal during this session.  The teams are scheduled to meet in mediation again on January 7, 2020. 

10-15-19 (Bargaining Teams Jointly Agree To Enter Mediation)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on October 15, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract.  This session included the WEA team submitting a counter proposal to the last offer submitted by the WSD team during the September 23, 2019 bargaining session.   The proposal offered by the WEA team did not reflect any changes from the last proposal the WEA team submitted during the September 23, 2019 bargaining session.  Prior to this session ending the WSD and WEA teams jointly agreed to seek the assistance of a mediator as a way to help move the bargaining process forward as the teams work to reach an agreement that is fair, equitable and sustainable. 

9-23-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on September 23, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract. During the session the teams reached tentative agreements (TA) to modify language in Article 6, Section 2, Subsections (A, B, C, D, E, F & G) which speaks to Student Discipline. Also in Article 8, Section 3, Subsection (C) dealing with Work Opportunities.  The teams also exchanged multiple collective bargaining agreement proposals including salary schedules.  The WSD team submitted three (3) proposals during the course of this session and the WEA team submitted two (2).  The teams did not reach an agreement and are scheduled to meet again October 15, 2019 to continue the good faith bargaining process. 

9-10-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on September 10, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract. This session included the WSD team submitting a counter proposal to the proposal made by the WEA prior to the end of the September 9, 2019 bargaining session. The teams reached tentative agreements (TA) to modify language in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) in the following areas: Article 3, Section 9, Subsection (D) which deals with Assignment, Vacancies, Promotion & Transfer; Article 7, Section 3, Subsection (J) which deals with Maternity/Parental/Adoptive Leave; Article 8, Section 3, Subsection (C) which speaks to Work Opportunities; Article 8, Section 4 which deals with the Salary Schedule; Article 8, Section 7, Subsections (F & G) which deals with Other Salary Schedule Provisions.  Prior to this session ending the WEA team submitted a counter proposal made by the WSD earlier in the session.  The teams are scheduled to meet September 23, 2019 to continue the good faith bargaining process. 

9-9-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on September 9, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract.  This session included the WSD team submitting a counter proposal to the proposal made by the WEA prior to the end of the September 8, 2019 bargaining session.  The teams reached tentative agreements (TA) to modify language in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) in the following areas: Article 3, Section 1, Subsection (A) which speaks to Hiring Practices and Article 3, Section 9, Subsection (C) which deals with Assignment, Vacancies, Promotion & Transfer.  This session included the WEA team submitting a counter proposal to the proposal made by the WSD team earlier in the session.  The teams are scheduled to meet tomorrow, September 10, 2019, to continue the good faith bargaining process.

9-8-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on September 8, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract.  This session started with the WSD team submitting a counter proposal to the proposal the WEA team submitted during the August 23, 2019 bargaining session.  The teams reached tentative agreements (TA) that modify language in Article 6, Section 1, Subsection (A) which deals with Prep Time and in Article 8, Section 9, Subsections (A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H) which deals with Insurance in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  The teams also reached a TA on Article 6, Section 10, Subsections (A, B, C, D & E).   The WEA submitted a counter proposal prior to the session ending.  The teams are scheduled to meet again tomorrow, September 9, 2019 to continue the bargaining process.

8-23-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on August 23, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract.  This session started with the WSD team submitting a counter proposal to the proposal the WEA team submitted during the August 22, 2019 bargaining session.  The teams also reached tentative agreements (TA) that modify language in Article 1, Section 5 which deals with Administration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA); Article 2, Section 2, Subsection (E) which speaks about Association Rights; Article 3, Section 2, Subsection (B) which speak about Issuance of Contracts; Article 6, Section 7 which deals with Teacher Conferences and Article 8, Section 1, Subsection (B) which speaks about the Workday.  Prior to the end of this session the WEA team submitted a counter proposal to the proposal the WSD team submitted when today’s session began.  The two teams are scheduled to meet September 8, 2019 to continue the bargaining process.

8-22-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on August 22, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract.  This bargaining session resulted in the teams reaching a tentative agreement (TA) on the addition of a new section to Article 3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).  Article 3 deals with Employee Rights and the new section, Section 16, adds language regarding breastfeeding & pumping.  This session also included the WEA submitting a counter proposal to the WSD proposal submitted during the August 15, 2019 bargaining session.  The teams are scheduled to meet again tomorrow, August 23, 2019.

8-15-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on August 14, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract.  During the session the teams reached a tentative agreement (TA) to modify language in Article 3, Section 9, Subsections (A & B) dealing with ASSIGNMENT, VACANCIES, PROMOTION, AND TRANSFER.  This session also included the WSD providing a salary schedule proposal which is a counter to the proposal the WEA team submitted during the August 13th bargaining session.  This session also included the WSD team submitting informational language regarding financials.  The two teams are scheduled to meet August 22, 2019 for their next bargaining session.
8-14-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on August 14, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract. During this session the teams engaged in discussions dealing with language that speaks to Insurance and VEBA. The session also included the WEA team submitting informational language regarding financials. The two teams are scheduled to meet again tomorrow, August 15, 2019, for their next bargaining session.
8-13-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on August 13, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract. During this session the teams reached tentative agreements to modify language in three (3) areas of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The TA's during this session include Article 3, Section 2, Subsection (A) which deals with Issuance of Contracts, Article 6, Section 3, Subsection (I) which speaks to Employee Workload and Article 7, Section 11, Subsection (C) which talks about Annual Leave. During this session the WEA team submitted a proposal covering all items that the teams continue to bargain. The proposal also included a salary schedule proposal which was a counter to the salary schedule proposal submitted by the WSD teams during the August 6, 2019 bargaining session. The two teams are scheduled to meet tomorrow, August 14, 2019, for their next bargaining session.

8-6-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on August 6, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract.  During this session the teams reached tentative agreements to modify language in three (3) areas of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  The TA's during this session include Article 3, Section 7 which speaks to Public Records Requests, Article 5, Section 3, Subsection (A) which talks about Seniority and Article 7, Section 8 which deals with Military Leave.  The WSD team also submitted a salary schedule proposal.  The WSD team’s proposal was a counter to the salary schedule proposal the WEA team submitted during the June 21, 2019 session. The two teams are scheduled to meet on August 13, 2019, for their next bargaining session.

7-10-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on July 10, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract. This session included the WSD team providing the WEA team with the District’s cost analysis of the financial proposal submitted by the WEA team during the June 21, 2019 bargaining session.  The teams also reached tentative agreements (TA) on modifications to language in a number of areas of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) being negotiated.  The TA’s reached in this session include in Article 1, Section 2 which deals with Recognition. Article 2, Section 8 which speaks to Learning Improvement Team Decision Making.  Article 3, Section 8 which deals with Employee Protection.  Article 3, Section 14 dealing with Provisional Employees, Leave Replacement Employees and Retire/Rehire Employees.  Article 5, Section 2, Subsection (B) which speaks to Criteria regarding Layoffs/Recalls.  Article 7, Section 1, Subsection (A) which deals with Sick Leave and also Article 7, Section 1, Subsection (C-3) also dealing with Sick Leave.  There were no salary schedule proposals made by either team during the July 10, 2019 session.  The next bargaining session is scheduled for the first full week in August 2019 as the teams continue the process of negotiating a fair, equitable and sustainable CBA.

7-9-19 (Bargaining Full Open Contract)

The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on July 9, 2019 to continue respectful and good faith bargaining of a full open contract.  The session resulted in the teams reaching tentative agreements (TA) on modifications to language in various parts of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) being negotiated.  TA’s were reached in Article 1 Section 1 subsections (E), (L) & (M). Article 1, Section 1 is the “Definitions” section of the CBA. Article 2, Section 2, Subsection (F) which speaks to Association Rights.  Article 2, Section 3 which deals with Dues, Deductions/Representation Fee.  Article 2, Section 4, Subsection (A) which speaks to Association Leave.   Article 3, Section 3 deals with Non-Discrimination.  Article 3, Section 4, Subsection (A) which deals with the “Due Process Just Clause”.  Article 3, Section 11 deals with Employee Responsibilities.  Article 3, Section 12-Communicable Diseases. Article 3, Section 13 dealing with Employees’ Children Attending District.  Article 5, Section 1 speaks to Initiation of Layoff.  Article 5, Section 9 dealing with Action by Employee is cases of Layoff/Recall.  Article 5, Section 10 which speaks to General Provisions in cases of Layoff/Recall. Article 6, Section 2, Subsection (F) speaks to Student Discipline.  Article 7, Section 2, Subsection (B) deals with Sick Leave Cash Out.  Article 7, Section 3, Subsection (F) speaks to Maternity/Parental/Adoptive Leave and Article 7, Section 10 which speaks to Professional Leave. The teams also reach a TA regarding a modification to some language in the Preamble of the CBA.  There were no salary schedule proposals made by either team during the July 9th session.  The next session is scheduled for Wednesday, July 10, 2019, as the teams continue the process of negotiating a fair, equitable and sustainable CBA.

6-21-19 (Bargaining Begins of a Full Open Contract)


The Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) are currently in the final year of a three (3) year collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  The agreement is set to expire on August 31, 2019.  In anticipation of the expiration of the current CBA the WSD and WEA have started the process of negotiating a new CBA.  This negotiation is for a full open contract which includes the salary schedule.  The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met for their first negotiation session on June 21, 2019.  The teams opened the session by developing norms and expectations which will be used to guide a respectful and good faith bargaining process.  Each team then submitted its initial proposal as a starting place towards reaching a fair, equitable and sustainable CBA.  Upon receiving the WEA’s initial proposal the WSD team spent time going through it and developing a counter proposal.  The day’s session ended before the WEA team was able to submit a counter proposal of its own.  The teams have a series of bargaining sessions scheduled between now and the end of August.  The next two dates are scheduled during the second week of July.
The documents seen below are those associated with the contract agreement reached between the Wapato School District and the Wapato Education Association. A tentative agreement on just a renegotiated salary schedule was reached between the WSD and WEA the evening of Monday, September 3, 2018.  The WEA membership voted the afternoon of September 4, 2018 in favor of ratifying the salary schedule agreement and the Wapato School Board of Directors approved the agreement at its regular business meeting on September 5, 2018.


The Wapato School District and Wapato Education Association have reached a signed tentative contract agreement, including a new salary schedule, for its teachers and other certificated staff.  The agreement was reached during a scheduled mediation session on Monday, September 3, 2018.  As a result of the agreement the 2018-2019 school year will start on schedule tomorrow, Tuesday, September 4, 2018.

 The District credits the agreement to the focused work and professionalism of both bargaining teams.  It wants to thank the members of both teams for completing the complex job of navigating new State school funding law and developing the fair, equitable and sustainable agreement the District has been confident would be reached through the negotiations process.

 The District is looking forward to welcoming students and families tomorrow morning for the start of the new school year.  It also wants to thank our families, staff and community for its patience, support and understanding during the complex bargaining process.

The District will not be sharing specifics of the agreement until ratified by the Wapato Education Association membership and adopted by the Wapato School Board of Directors.




The Wapato School District and Wapato Education Association met this afternoon for the first of two scheduled mediation sessions to continue the good faith bargaining process.  The teams convened in the early afternoon and worked late into the night.  The session did not result in an agreement but progress was made as the two teams worked towards a fair, equitable and sustainable agreement.  The District and the Wapato Education Association bargaining teams will reconvene on Monday morning, September 3rd, to continue mediating.



By a majority vote today, August 31, 2018, the Wapato School Board of Directors passed a resolution authorizing the District to take action, if it deems necessary, to preserve and protect the District, its students and staff in the event of a work stoppage/strike by the Wapato Education Association.

Today’s action by the School Board is a procedural step by the District following the Wapato Education Association’s vote earlier this week in favor of a work stoppage/strike in the event ongoing negotiations do not result in an agreement prior to the scheduled first day of school, which is Tuesday, September 4th.  The resolution does nothing more than provide the District the authority to take the steps included in the resolution. The District will only consider using the steps if there is a Wapato Education Association work stoppage/strike.

The District remains committed to reaching a fair, equitable and sustainable agreement with the Wapato Education Association. The District has faith in the ongoing negotiations process.  The Wapato School District and Wapato Education Association bargaining teams are meeting in mediation this afternoon as part of the ongoing good faith negotiations.  Another mediation session is scheduled for Monday, September 3rd if needed.

The District understands there may be anxiety on the part of our families, students and community when they hear terms like “teacher strike” this close to the start of school.   We want to reassure you that the District is working diligently to reach an agreement, but new state law (commonly referred to as the McCleary case) has complicated the process of negotiating teacher contracts.  Our district, like other districts around the state are having to piece together a difficult puzzle and the puzzles are different from school district to school district. However, our families can be assured that we are confident an agreement will be reached and there will be a school year full of quality instruction for our students.  We are looking forward to school starting September 4th.

We encourage our families and the community to monitor the District's website and Twitter account throughout the weekend for updates about the ongoing negotiations and the possible need to cancel school if there is a work stoppage/strike on the part of the Wapato Education Association on Tuesday, September 4th.



On Wednesday afternoon, August 29, 2018, the Wapato Education Association (WEA) leadership informed Wapato School District (WSD) leadership that the WEA membership took a vote authorizing a work stoppage/strike starting the scheduled first day of school (Tuesday, September 4th) if a contract agreement is not reached prior to then.  

The WSD wants our students in school for the scheduled first day of school and remains committed to reaching an agreement with it teachers’ union that is fair, equitable and sustainable.  The WSD and WEA are scheduled to begin jointly requested mediation on Friday, August 31st as the next step in the process of reaching an agreement.  As of now there are two mediation sessions scheduled.  They are Friday, August 31st and if needed, Monday, September 3rd.  

However, if an agreement is not reached and the teachers’ union starts a work stoppage/strike September 4th the District will be forced cancel school for as long as the work stoppage/strike continues.   We encourage our families to begin planning now for that possibility.

If a work stoppage/strike appears imminent WSD will inform families as soon as possible using the same information systems it uses to inform families if the District were to be experiencing a snow-day.  A robo-call will go out to all families. The local media will be alerted.  The information will be posted to the WSD website at and it will be posted to the District’s Twitter account @WapatoSD.

We appreciate the ongoing understanding and support of our families/community as the difficult work of reaching and agreement with our valued teachers continues.

Please continue to monitor our website for regular bargaining updates. 




Today the Wapato Education Association (WEA) and Wapato School District (WSD) received word from the Washington State Public Employees Relations Commission regarding the joint mediation request the two parties submitted following their August 20th bargaining session.

   The WEA and WSD are scheduled to engage in the mediation process at the end of this week.  As of now two mediation sessions have been scheduled. 


Friday, August 31, 2018 starting at 2:00 p.m.


Monday, September 3, 2018 starting at 8:30 a.m.  


The District looks forward to continuing the work towards reaching a fair, equitable and sustainable agreement with the WEA. 



What both the Wapato Education Association (WEA) and the Wapato School District (WSD) bargaining teams thought was a tentative agreement regarding a salary schedule (seen below) on the afternoon of August 23rd, turned out not to be the case this morning.  The day started with WEA representatives informing WSD representatives about a concern they had regarding part of the salary schedule that the WEA had agreed to the afternoon of August 23rd.  The WEA’s concern had to do with the lack of increases in salary in the BA+90 column of the agreed  to schedule.  The WEA also brought to the WSD’s attention that WEA representatives found a miscalculation in their own model that was used to build the agreed to salary schedule.  The WSD team worked diligently throughout the day and developed solutions.  WSD representatives presented those solutions to the WEA representatives.  The WEA representatives declined the solutions and then followed up by asking for more money overall than what was in the salary schedule the WEA tentatively agreed to the afternoon of August 23rd.  The day ended appearing as though the negotiation process is once again headed to mediation to resolve the differences.

Base Salary Schedule Tentatively Agreed to by WEA & WSD August 23, 2018

Base Salary Schedule Tentatively Agreed to by WEA & WSD on August 23


Option A Additional Salary Compensation Schedule Tentatively Agreed to by WEA & WSD on August 23, 2018

Option A Additional Salary Compensation Schedule Agreed to by the WEA & WSD August 23rd.

Option B Additional Salary Compensation Schedule Tentatively Agreed to by WEA & WSD August 23, 2018

Option B Additional Salary Compensation Scheduled Agreed to August 23, 2018




The Wapato Education Association (WEA) and Wapato School District (WSD) bargaining teams resumed negotiations today.  The teams are focusing their efforts on developing a salary schedule which is fair, equitable and sustainable for both the WEA and the WSD.  The WEA led off today’s session with presenting a salary schedule proposal.  The District followed up with a counter salary schedule proposal around midday.  The WEA came back later in the afternoon with a counter of its own to which the District then countered.  The proposals submitted by both parties during the day’s session reflected compromise by both parties. The WEA team indicated it would accept the WSD’s final proposal and present to its membership for ratification.  The District would like to thank the WEA team for the work and progress made during today’s session.  



A Wapato Education Association (WEA) representative contacted the Wapato School District (WSD) today asking the District to continue bargaining only the salary schedule component of the collective bargaining agreement.  The WEA request comes a day after the WEA bargaining team ended scheduled contract negotiations and invited the Wapato School District team to move to the process of mediation in an attempt to resolve their differences. As noted above the WEA request is to continue the bargaining process to address just the salary schedule. The District agreed and is delighted for the opportunity to resume good faith bargaining with the WEA in an effort to reach a fair, equitable and sustainable agreement for its teachers and the District.  If the WEA and the WSD are able to reach an agreement it will most likely avoid the need for mediation.  The two bargaining teams have agreed to meet Thursday morning, August 23rd, to continue the bargaining process.



The good faith bargaining between the Wapato School District (WSD) and the Wapato Education Association (WEA) took place on August 20, 2018 for the fourth and final scheduled bargaining session since mid-June.  The session started with the WEA presenting a counter proposal to the District’s latest proposal which it presented in its August 17, 2018 session.  The WEA’s proposal is what is considered a package proposal which included a revised salary schedule from the schedule offer it presented at the August 17 bargaining session. The WEA salary proposal presented today reflected a reduction of approximately .001% in overall compensation costs from the proposal it presented on August 17. It also included a salary schedule proposal that reflects a 16 step schedule, which is a change from its August 17 salary schedule proposal that was a 14 step schedule.  The package also included revised contract language speaking to student discipline and employee workload.  The Wapato School District Team then countered with a package proposal of its own which reflected an increase in average overall salary compensation of 2.9% over its August 17 proposal.  When the 2.9% is added to the base salary proposal already offered by the District a beginning teacher would receive an approximate increase of 8.1% over the current salary schedule and teachers at the high end of the salary schedule would receive an approximate increase of 20%.  The District package proposal also included revised contract language speaking to student discipline, employee workload and additional 2-days compensation for school psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists.  The District’s latest salary proposal reflects a 17% increase for a beginning teacher over the current salary schedule and a 28% increase over the current salary schedule for teachers at the high end of the salary schedule. Please note that 8.9% of the 17% and 28% seen below came from moving part of the TRI money teachers currently receive into the proposed 2018-2019 salary schedule.  (see graphs below)


  BA+ 0


     2017-2018      2018-2019 

beginning teacher salary comparison


   MA 90/Phd


     2017-2018      2018-2019 

Experienced teacher salary comparison


To review the District’s latest, proposed, complete base salary schedule and additional salary compensation options, of which teachers must choose one, presented during the August 20 bargaining session see the graphs below.



WSD Proposed Base Salary Schedule


WSD proposed salary schedule


WSD Option A (Additional Salary Compensation)


Option A Additional Salary compensation


 WSD Option B (Additional Salary Compensation)

Option B Additional Salary Schedule


To review the latest WEA proposed salary schedule that the WEA team, presented during the August 20 session, see graph below.  The WEA schedule includes additional salary compensation in the schedule.


Wapato Education Association Proposed Base Salary Schedule (includes compensation for 103.5 Additional Hours)


WEA Proposed Salary Schedule



The proposed WEA salary schedule seen above does not include an additional 46.5 hours of salary compensation for teachers with 0 to 9 years experience, nor the 53.5 additional hours of salary compensation for teachers from 10 to 15 years experience nor the 60.5 additional hours of salary compensation for teachers that have 16 years experience or more.  The compensation for those additional hours is $1627.00 for the less experienced teachers and as much as $4765.00 for the most experienced teachers.


The WEA team declined the District’s latest proposal and provided no counter proposal.   The day’s bargaining session ended earlier than expected when the WEA team asked the WSD team to join it in moving into a mediation process to resolve the differences that remain regarding the latest round of negotiations.  Both teams agreed to go ahead with mediation and at that point the WEA withdrew its latest proposal.  The District is looking forward to expedient and fair resolution for all during this next step in the process.



The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and the Wapato Education Association met on August 17, 2018 for the third of four scheduled bargaining sessions since mid-June.  The negotiations focused mainly on salary schedules.   The WEA team led off by presenting a salary schedule proposal which was a counter proposal to the offer the District team presented during the July 11, 2018 bargaining session.  This was the first time the WEA team offered a revised salary schedule proposal since submitting its initial proposal in June.  The WEA proposal presented today reflected a reduction of approximately 1.2% in overall compensation costs from its initial proposal it presented during the first bargaining session in June.  It also included a 14 step salary schedule which is a change from the 10 step schedule that was reflected in their initial proposal made in June.  All of the District's proposals reflect a 16 step schedule which is the same number of steps in the existing schedule.  The District then countered with a proposal that more than doubled the increase that the District had offered the WEA as they ended the bargaining session on July 11.  The WEA declined that offer and then countered with a proposal that included a salary schedule that was no different than the one it had submitted earlier in the day.  The session ended with the District team submitting a proposal which included the same salary schedule as it had proposed earlier in the day.  The District’s latest salary schedule proposal has a starting base salary of $44,740 which includes $1,592 in supplemental pay and a top wage of $85,265 which includes $3,035 in supplemental pay.  The WEA’s latest proposal has a starting base salary of $45,672 which includes $608 in supplemental pay and a top wage of $103,931 which includes $2,496 in supplemental pay.   



The bargaining teams for the Wapato School District (WSD) and Wapato Education Association (WEA) met on July 11, 2018 and made progress regarding some sections of the collective bargaining agreement being negotiated.  The teams reached tentative agreements (TA) in Article II, Section 9B that speaks to Assignment, Vacancies, Promotion & Transfer of WEA employees; Article VIII, Sections 6 & 7 which deals with Credits/Clock Hours; and Article III, Section 6 which deals with Letters of Direction. The bargaining session also included the District team providing the WEA team with a revised salary schedule proposal which reflected an increase from the WSD’s initial proposal.  The WSD also gave the WEA team a presentation regarding general revenue/expenditure budget information for the WSD.  The WEA did not submit a revised salary schedule proposal during this session.  The WSD and WEA will resume negotiations in August.



The District and WEA met at 9:00 AM in the boardroom to begin the negotiation process.  Each side brought forward three openers and a new Salary Schedule.  WSD is proposing language changes in one section of Article II, and two sections of Article VI.  WEA is proposing new language in one of the sections in Article III, and two sections in Article VI.  Both sides proposed a new salary schedule commencing 2018–19 school year.  There was significant dialogue between the District and WEA regarding the states salary allocation model.  Although there are some differences of opinions and understandings of the state’s new salary allocation model, we are confident that we will make progress as the bargaining continues.  WSD and WEA will resume negotiations in July.


The District and WEA are currently in year two of a three collective bargaining agreement.  Language in ARTICLE X, Section B of the agreement states the District and the Association will be limited to three (3) openers each and items impacted by legislative action in the first and second year of the three-year contract. On a three (3) year basis, both parties will review entire document and share in the cost of reprinting this document in its entirety if necessary.  The District and WEA bargaining teams are scheduled to meet on June 19, 2018 for their first negotiating session.  Because the state legislature took action regarding teacher salaries during the 2018 legislative session, salaries will be a part of the negotiations along with the three openers each referred to in ARTICLE X of the current agreement.