Non-Resident Student Admission Application
In compliance with District Policy 3141 and consistent with Chapter 28A.225 RCW, any student who resides outside the district may apply to attend a school in the district or file the parental declaration of the intent to provide home-based instruction and enroll for ancillary services, if any. All applications for non-resident attendance or home-based instruction will be considered on an equal basis. The District will accept, at the superintendent’s discretion, qualified non-resident students in each school year, unless accepting more non-resident students would constitute a financial hardship for the district.
In order for a non-resident student to be considered for admission the parent/guardian must complete the appropriate district application which can be found below or by contacting the Superintendent’s Administrative Assistant at (509) 877-4181.More information available at Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Student Transfer Information