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2020-2021 School Year Re-Opening Information » October 1, 2020 Town Hall Questions & Answers

October 1, 2020 Town Hall Questions & Answers

On October 1, 2020 Superintendent Garza and other members of the District's leadership team held a virtual Town Hall with parents regarding plans to return students to in person instruction as allowed by Yakima Health District guidance. As part of the Town Hall attendees were able to comment and ask questions about the planning and process.  The District used four topics to help guide the conversation.  Enclosed in the document below you will see the guiding topics in bold followed by the comments and/or questions and answers.  The District appreciates all who participated in the Town Hall.  Your input will help guide the continued planning of returning students to the classroom for in person instruction.  

Questions and Answers from Spanish language Town Hall

The questions and answers seen below are from the Spanish language Town Hall also held the evening of October 1, 2020.  There are a few questions that have yet to be answered and those questions and answers will be added to this list once the information becomes available.
             QUESTIONS                                              PREGUNTAS                                                      ANSWERS

How will you keep my child safe if you cannot protect your staff from this virus?

Cómo va a mantener a mi hijo a salvo si no puede proteger a su personal de este virus?


You have a choice as to whether or not you send your child to school in-person.

Why not start with the older ones first, instead of the younger ones

Porque no empesar con los mayores primero, en ves de lo mas chicos


The Yakima Health District guidance allows for the youngest students to come back to school first. We believe this is due to the fact that older students are better able to engage with their teachers online.

Why are they starting with children from K-5? How are they going to maintain distance? Are you going to disinfect restrooms and water fountains and where they play and how is lunch and recess going to be? How are you going to make sure they keep distance?

porque estan enpesando con los ninos de k-5 y como ban a mantener. la distansia ban a desinfectar. banos y Fuentes de agua Y donde juegan Y como ban a ser lo de la comida y recreo. Como se ban a asegurar q mantengan distancia


The Yakima Health District guidance allows for the youngest students to come back to school first. We believe this is due to the fact that older students are better able to engage with their teachers online. We have been staging classrooms and floor markings for physical distance. Water fountains will not be accessible. We will have recess witih physcial distancing. We will need to teach the children how to do this. A plan for meals is in process.

Will the schools provide masks, disinfectant gel and wipes for all students?

ban a dar las escuelas mascarillas gel desinfectante y tuallitas desinfectantes. para los estudiantes.


We will provide masks for all students and staff. There is hand sanitizer, but proper washing of hands is the best practice. Our custodial staff will clean, sanitize and disinfect on a daily basis.

Will we have the option to continue classes online or are obligated to attend classes

bamos a tener option de seguir con class's en linia oh ba ser obligatiorio. asistir clases


You will be able to continue learning online at this time.





Why do you want students to come back when the county is still having problems? 1.5





Por qué quiere que los estudiantes regresen cuando el condado todavía está en problemas? 1.5






Yakima Health District has allowed for students in our county to return to school. We do want children to return to school when it is allowable because in-person is the most efficient way to learn for most people.

If we choose not to send our student back, do we have the option to continue the class online?

Si elegimos no enviar a nuestro estudiante de regreso, tenemos la opción de continuar la clase en línea?


You will be able to continue learning online at this time.

I agree to the children returning to classes, they need their school time. Always with the proper security protocol.

si soy de acuerdo con que los ninos regresen a clases, ellos ya necesitan su tiempo de escuela. Siempre con su devido protocolo de seguridad


Thank you for your input.

For us the next phase is more important because children do not learn the same

para nosotros es inportante la siguiente fase pues los niños no aprenden lo mismo


Thank you for your input.

When all students return to class, how are you going to maintain a 6 foot distance between all students?

cuando todos los estudiantes regresen a clases como le van a hacer para mantener la distancia de 6 pies entre todos los estudiantes


Yes. All rooms have been staged for 6 foot distancing and we will have markings in hallways

K-5 students are less responsible with the use of masks, will it be possible for high school students to enter first?

Los alumnos de k-5 , son menos responsables con el uso de mascarillas , será posible que entren los de high school primero ?


No, it is not possible for the older students to attend school in-person first. The Yakima Health District guidance allows for the youngest students to come back to school first. We believe this is due to the fact that older students are better able to engage with their teachers online.

When they return in groups of A and B, what would be the schedule of each group.

Cuando regresen en grupos de A y B que seria el horario de cada grupo.


We are currently determining these schedules. We need the results from the survey that was advertised to be able to make these schedules.


They need to take all precautions so that not only the children are safe but also the teachers


Necesitan tomar todas Las precauciones para no solo esten seguros los niños pero tambien los maestros




Thank you for your input.

I would like to see small group instruction so my child can catch up on his homework that he missed in March ...

Me gustaría ver instrucción en grupos pequeños para que mi hijo pueda ponerse al día con su tarea que se perdió en marzo ...


Thank you for your input.

What will happen to children who have an individual plan

Que pasará con los niños que tienen un plan individual


Please speak with your child's special education teacher to find out about your child's indiviual plan.


Will you consider family's with children in different grade levels?


We are making our A/B groups with families in mind.

I think older students should start first. They already understand a little more what is happening and then hopefully will follow all the recommendations that are being given. More than even the little ones

Yo pienso que los estudiantes mayores deverian empesar primero. Ellos ya entienden un poco mas lo que esta pasando y pues ojala y sigan todas las recomendaciones que se estan dando. Mas que ni los pequenos


I am sorry it is not possible for the older students to attend school in-person first. The Yakima Health District guidance allows for the youngest students to come back to school first. We believe this is due to the fact that older students are better able to engage with their teachers online.

Why start with the kindergarteners who understand the least about the use of the mask and distance

porque comenzar con los de kinder que son los que menos entienden del uso de la mascarilla y la distancia


The Yakima Health District guidance allows for the youngest students to come back to school first. We believe this is due to the fact that older students are better able to engage with their teachers online.

consider a lot of precaution

considerar mucha precausion


The District will be requried to followed Yakima Health District safety practices and procedures. Thank you for your input.




Why make this decision now that the time of the flu is coming? What will happen to children who walk in the cold and catch colds easily?




Porque tomar esta decision ahora que viene el tiempo de la gripa? Que va a pasar con los ninos que caminan en lo frio y se resfrian facilmente?





Yakima Health District has allowed for students in our county to return to school. We do want children to return to school when it is allowable because in-person is the most efficient way to learn for most people.

Will we be notified of an increase in infections? How often will notifications be sent?

Seramos notificados de aumento de infecciones? Que tan seguido se mandaran notificaciones?


All direct exposures will be contacted on confirmed COVID 19 Cases.

If we decide that our daughter continues to study at home will the Zoom schedule be offered the same

Si decidimos que nuestra hija sigue estudiando en casa si se ofreceria el mismo horario por medio de zoom


If the child is K-8, yes it will.

How are they going to be aware that children use the masks and are constantly disinfecting themselves

Como van a estar al pendiente de que los niños usen la mascarillas y esten desinfectándose constantemente


We will supervise the children and protocols in place for disinfection

I am worried for my child who has grade 8 who has asthma

tengo pendiente por mi nino que tiene astma grado 8


You do have the option to continue to have your child learn at home.

If all these children go to class, will they have to go with their masks?

si todos estos niños llegan a ir alas clases tendran k ir con su tapabocas?


Yes, wearing masks is required.

It is worrisome that children may get infected. Who will be monitoring the children if they show any stymptoms throughout the day??

Es preocupante que los niños se contagien.
Quien estará al pendiente de monitorear a los niños si a lo largo de el día muestran algún síntoma???


There will be protocols in place, but if a child gets ill, they must stay home.

I would like to see more disinfection stations.

Me gustaría ver más estaciones de desinfección.


We have increased the number of stations in each building








I prefer to keep doing distance learning , but it depends if covid cases drop down by a large amount








We understand some families may not be comfortable sending their students back to school. It will be each individual family's choice as to whether they want to send their students to school or continue with distance learning.

Offer student masks, hand sanitizer,

Ofrecer mascarillas a los estudiantes, hand sanitizer,


We have masks for all students and we have increase the number of sanitation stations.


What will happen if parents send their son or daughter to class even if he does not feel well and has no symptoms?


Que pasara si padres mandan su hijo o hija a clase aun si no se siente bien y no tiene simtomas



If they exhibit symptoms at school, they will be sent home.


How will you make sure kids keep masks on? Will they be able to use screen visors instead of masks?


We will supervise the children and teach them. The visors are not allowed per Yakima Health District guidelines.

How confident are you that you will have enough staff to care for so many children?

que tan seguros estan de que van a tener suficiente personal para cuidar tantos ninos


We are confident that our current staff levels will allow us to tend to our students needs. If that is not the case once we start our hybrid model, we will adjust accordingly.

If Yakima is not going to return to school yet, what makes us think Wapato can?

Si Yakima no va a regresar a clases todavia que no’s hace pensar que wapato si puede


The updated guidance recently released by the Yakima Health District allows for school districts to begin returning students to in person instruction as early as October 12. Several other districts in Yakima County will be returning to face to face instruction in a hybrid model prior to the Yakima School District's scheduled return.


Would the student have to pay for hand sanitizer?


Students would not have to pay for hand sanitizer.



Knowing that it is a time of a stage change, where we know that the flu is present for these dates, this would be a bit frustrating for us as parents, I think we need to wait a little more, now the levels have dropped because we stay in home and at a distance once returning we do not know, do not you think?



Sabiendo que es un tiempo de cambio de etapa, donde sabemos que el flu , esta presente para esas fechas , esto sería un poco frustrante para nosotros como padres , pienso que necesitamos esperar un poco más , ahora an bajado los niveles por qué nos permanecemos en casa a distancia una vez regresando no sabemos , no creen ?




Thank you for your input.


Start teaching from the beginning


Thank you for your input.


If we return in A and B group, would these be half day groups of a full day ?


At this time, we are contemplating full days.

I want to know if I don't want to send my girls to school right now. Can I send them later. Because they are high risk.

Quiero saber si ahorita no quiero mandar a mis niñas ala escuela. Puedo mandarlas más adelante. Porqué ellas son de alto riesgo.


Yes, your children can continue to learn online at this time if you choose.

Well, I think it's a matter of reminding students to stay 6 feet apart. wear their masks

Pues creo que es cuestion de recordarles a los estudiantes que se mantenga 6 pies separados. usar sus mascarillas


Thank you for your input.

Why are they sending small children instead of big ones?

Porque estan mandando a los niños chicos envez de los grandes??


The Yakima Health District guidance allows for the youngest students to come back to school first. We believe this is due to the fact that older students are better able to engage with their teachers online.








The first question, don't you think that you are rushing to reopen schools at this time, I understand that the education of our children is important, but you must take into account that our Yakima county was one of the most affected by this virus, which continues to make people sick a considerable number of people, what do you plan to do to prevent students from maintaining or being able to maintain that social distance?








La primer pregunta, no creen que es apresurado el reabrir las escuelas en este momento,entiendo que es importante la educación de nuestros hijos, pero deben tomar encuenta que nuestro condado Yakima fue uno de los más afectados por este virus, el cual sigue enfermando a un considerable número de personas, ¿Que piensan hacer para evitar que los estudiantes mantengas o puedan mantener esa distancia social?









WSD will be following all Yakima County Health's safety protocols. We will teach students about the five safety protocols to mitigate any potential spread or exposure. This include: 1. Physical Distancing, 2. Washing of hands regularly throughout the day, 3. wearing of masks, 4. daily health screening, and 5. daily cleaning, sanitation, and disinfecting.


how much notice/communication will be given before children are to attend in person classes?


We will try to be as proactive and as timely as possible. Once the Board approves a recommendation, we will inform the parents.

I don't know how a solution could be given if my son has different needs, he is asthmatic and allergic, and apart from being hyperactive and has a very high sensory level, he can't stand the mask

No se como se podría dar una solución si mi hijo tiene diferentes necesidades es asmático y alérgico y aparte es hiperactivo y tiene el sensorial muy alto no aguanta la mascara


Your child can continue to learn online at this time if you choose.


Will we be notified if a student or teacher has covid symptoms? and what will be the process for that communication to parents


We will follow Yakima Health Districtcommunication guidelines. If a student is exposed, as defined by Yakima County Health, parents will be notified. We are seeking guidance from YCH regarding the method of this communication.






If school starts on the 12th do we just let are kids go or do we have to sign any paper work or we just let them go to class?






While October 12th is the first day students are allowed to come back to school, Wapato Public Schools will not be having our full in-person services in place yet. Once we have a beginning date, we will announce it.

That like now that they are sending us messages or calls if there are more infected to stop and continue distance learning

que al igual que ahora nos esten avisando por mensajes o llamadas si hay mas infectados para parar y mantener el aprendisaje a distancia


If there is a confirmed COVID case involving a student or staff member we will be following the Yakima Health District guidance for contacting those who may have had close contact with that individual. We will also follow Health District guidance to determine if a classroom or the school needs to be closed and return to distance learning while the classroom and/or building is being cleaned, sanitized and disinfected.

I hope theere is the option of whether we want to send our children or not

ojala que esten disponibles para dar la opcion de si queremos mandar a nuestros hijos o no


Your children can continue to learn at home at this time if you choose.

The teacher must be available to parents after school. I went to school and found out that the teacher left 5 minutes after the students left.

El maestro debe estar disponible para los padres después de la escuela. Fui a la escuela y me enteré de que la maestra se fue 5 minutos después de que los estudiantes se fueran.


Thank you for your input. Please communicate your concerns to the building principal. I am sure he or she will assist.

As soon as classes start and contagions appear, will they let us know immediately ???

En cuanto las clases comiencen y aparezcan contagios nos harán saber de inmediato???


We will follow Yakima Health District guidelines specific to communication if a contagion appears.


I would like to know how the children will keep the masks all day, especially those with special needs




Quisiera saber como Es que van a mantener Las mascaras todo el dia los niños especialmente aquellos con necesidades especiales





We will work with the children to help them keep their masks on. We all ask that families workk with their children at home so they become comfortable with wearing a mask.

They should start with the biggest. Why the little ones?

Deberían empezar con los más grandes. Porque los más chiquitos


The Yakima Health District guidance allows for the youngest students to come back to school first. We believe this is due to the fact that older students are better able to engage with their teachers online.

Sincerly my opinion is that if older people do not like to use the mask I do not think that children can wear it all the time for that I agree with the classes, at a distance is safer for us and for them until it gets better ..

sinseramente mi opinion es que si las personas mayores no lesgusta usar la mascara yo no creo que los ninos puedan trerla todo el tiempo x eso yo estoy de acuerdo con las classes alarga distancia es mas seguro para nosotros y para eyos ya asta que se quite bien..


Thank you for your input.

As parents we know that learning is not the same through a computer, but it is still preferable, since we are not yet safe from this disease, now take a little responsibility as parents to talk with our children about how It is important for the teacher to recognize them physically (active cameras), and in the same way the teachers should focus on the teacheing the students, so that they learn (time is money), thank you

Como padres sabemos que el aprendizaje no es el mismo por medio de una computadora , pero aún haci es preferible, ya que aún no estamos a salvo de esta enfermedad, ahora tomar un poco de responsabilidad como padres para hablar con nuestros hijos hacerca de que tan importante es que el maestro los reconozca físicamente ( cámaras activas ) , y de igual manera a los maestros su enfoque en el estudio hacia los alumnos , para que ellos aprendan (el tiempo es oro ) , gracias


Thank you for your input.



Me as a parent i want to know the safety rules that is wapato school district is going to provide.



The District will be requried to plan, implement and comply with safety practices and procedures outlined by federal state and local health officials.

If a re-outbreak of the virus occurs, they do not believe that it would take more time to open the schools to 100% for me it seems we should take more time to reopen the schools. Let's learn from the example of other schools in other states, when schools reopen students are getting sick and making the decision to close again.

Si ocurriera un rebrote del virus no creen que tomaría más tiempo el abrir las escuelas al 100% para mí parecer debemos de tomar más tiempo en reabrir las escuelas. aprendamos el ejemplo de otras escuelas en otros estados, al reabrir las escuelas los estudiantes están enfermando y tomando la decisión de volver a cerrar.


Thank you for your input.

But children can carry the virus and pass the virus to adults in your home!

Pero los niños pueden llevar el virus y transmitir el virus a las personas adultas de su casa!


We understand that some families may not be comfortable sending their students to school. That is why there will be an option for students to continue with distance learning.

When they return to class, will it be full time or only part time?

cuando regresen a clases, va ser tiempo completo o solo medio tiempo


On the days students go to school they will be in class full time.

I would like to know how the student are going to maintain the masks. I see that children do not keep them on.

Me gustaría saber cómo va a mantener el estudiante las máscaras. Vi que los niños no se las dejan puestas.


We will work with the children to help them keep their masks on.

There are children who will not be able to wear the masks for a long time, and they will want to take them off

hay niños k no podran estar por largo tiempo con las mascaras, y quedran quitarselas


We will work with the children to help them keep their masks on.





Will all the children enter class? There are 20 in each classroom, will everyone be in class or are they going to divide them? Will it be the 5 days in class or just two days?





Todos los niños entrarán a clase ? son 20 en cada salón , todos estarán en clase o los van a dividir ? , serán los 5 días en presencia a clase o solo dos días ?






The size of the classroom dictates the number of students that classroom can have. If every student chooses to return face to face, we will divide the studnets into two groups. Each group would attend school face to face two days per week and engage remotely the other three days of the week.

How are you going to do at lunchtime? With the masks and the distance and contact

Como le ban a hacer en la hora del lonche?? Con las mascaras y la distancia y contacto


Students will be sitting 6 ft from each other during breakfast and lunch times. Masks will be allowed to be taken off when they are eating.

if the children continue in online classes. Will they have the same teacher or different by school

si los ninos sigue en clases de linia ban. a tener los mismo. maestro oh ba ser. seguido diferente oh por. escuela


As we make both online and in-person schedules, your child may not have the same teacher.

My child is very sensitive to certain products, how can you guarantee that they will not have a reaction to the chemicals that you are putting on the tables?

Mi hijo es muy sensible a ciertos productos, ¿cómo puede garantizar que no tendrá una reacción a los productos químicos que está poniendo en las mesas?


The disinfect the District is using is the same disinfectant we have been using for the last few years. It has been proven effective against this coronavirus. Daily disinfecting of the rooms will take place either before or after school, not while kids are at school.

If they made the decision to return, how would it be for the children who use the bus for transportation, how would safety be on the bus?

si tomaran la decision de regresar como seria para los ninos que usan el altobus para trasportarse como seria la segurida en bus?


Our goal is to have as much distancing on buses as possible and insure that we have good air flow. We will sit students 1 to a seat and keep routes as short as possible. Siblings may share a seat.







If in the high school there are 500 students and we consider the amount of square feet of the building, it is not possible to take all the students and maintain a healthy distance, you cannot







si en la preparatoria ahi 500 estudiantes y consideramos la cantidad de pies cuadrados de el edificio, no es posible llevar a todos los estudiantes y mantener la sana distancia, no se puede








Classroom have been set up to accomidate 6 foot distancing. Most classrooms can accomidate 14 to 18 students and a teacher with proper distancing.


If we can't meet in person, why can our children be in school?? Our local city hall is closed including our school district administration office is closed but our schools can be for our children?


Yakima Health District has allowed for students in our county to return to school. We do want children to return to school when it is allowable because in-person is the most efficient way to learn for most people. Different entities have different rules for meeting in-person per state and county guidelines.

For how many days would they go and for how many hours.

Por cuantos días irían y por cuantas horas.


We are currently determining these plans based on your survey input.

How many students does each class have more than 10 students?

cuántos estudiantes busca en cada clase más de diez estudiantes?


The number of students per classroom depends on the size of the classroom to accommodate the 6 foot physical distancing that we must adhere to.

Thank you



Thank you for attending.